Kamis, 29 November 2012

resep onde-onde ketawa ncc

Sedikit terkejut juga bingung setelah mengetahui resep onde-onde ketawa, bingung bukan karena bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan onde onde ketawa ini melainkan karena namanya yang banyak. Lain daerah dan tempat lain juga menyebutnya, padahal menurut saya itu sama saja. Satu tempat menyebutnya dengan resep onde onde pecah, karena bentuknya yang seperti pecah atau seperti orang ketawa. Ditempat yang lain lagi juga menyebut dengan sebutan yang lain, yaitu resep onde onde kering, karena dari bentuk fisiknya yang seperti kue kering dan sangat berbeda dengan onde onde pada umumnya.

resep onde-onde ketawa ncc
onde onde ketawa

Sebelum kita membuatnya mari menyiapkan beberapa bahan-bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat satu resep makanan ringan yaitu onde onde ketawa.
  1. satu mangkuk air putih
  2. satu liter minyak goreng
  3. 100 gram minyak wijen
  4. satu sendok teh vanili
  5. 50 gram margarine
  6. 4 butir telur
  7. 150 gram gula pasir
  8. 500 gram tepung terigu yang rendah protein
  9. satu sendok teh backing powder double acting
Setelah selesai menyiapkan semua bahan, kita segera memulai membuatnya:
  1. ambil tepung terigu dan backing powder, aduk sampai merata lalu sisihkan terlebih dahulu.
  2. ambil margarine dan gula pasir, jadikan satu lalu kocok sampai lembut. Dengan cara masukan satu persatu telur dengan tetap dikocok, lakukan sampai mengembang.
  3. ambil adonan terigu, masukan dalam kocokan telur, aduk sampai merata, pastikan sudah bisa dipulung.
  4. ambil adonan sebesar bola bekel, bentuk bulat lalu masukan dalam air sebentar, sedikit basah gulingkan di atas wijen putih yang sudah tersedia.
  5. panaskan minyak goreng, goreng adonan yang sudah dibentuk sampai mekar dan berwarna kuning kecoklatan.
  6. Sebelum dimasukan dalam toples tiriskan terlebih dahulu sampai minyak mengering, disarankan menggunakan kertas minyak untuk lebih sempurna.
Selamat mencoba resep onde-onde ketawa, ala ncc

Sabtu, 10 November 2012

how to make homemade strawberry pancake syrup

Article ago we discussed making blackberry syrup that can be made at home, but now we will discuss about how to make homemade strawberry pancake syrup. You can make your own pancakes at home with the easy strawberry syrup for a delicious topping. Cooled strawberry syrup that will only last a maximum of one week only. But if you want to make a big batch and keep any, you can use instead. Manufactured pancake syrup canned stawberry can survive up to one year of storage, although the flavor will be different in it after about six to seven months of storage.

how to make homemade strawberry pancake syrup
strawberry syrup

Use a jar with a lid and sterilize from various germs, by boiling or evaporation. In this way the water boil and input closed jars for ten minutes, remove and place. Put jars into the dishwasher to clean and then enter the hot water in it and cover tightly, let it like this until the jar is used.

grab the strawberry syrup and strain using a fine mesh strainer inside magkuk, whatever you want. This will eliminate the seeds and bits of pulp, strawberry syrup produces a thinner and softer. If you want the syrup remaining pieces of his men passed through the following stages. Then take the jar and remove the water, put strawberry syrup into the jar lid tightly and input to the refrigerator or freezer.

how to make homemade blackberry pancake syrup

how to make homemade blackberry pancake syrup, Hearing and reading blackberry in your mind may imagine an advanced mobile dream every person. But this time we will discuss about making blackberry flavored drinks to juice, you can separate the pulp and seeds after filtering the juice. This blackberry syrup you can use it with mixed drinks, lemonade or iced tea even you can make pancakes, ice cream, cheesecake and ice cream to reduce until thick. blacberry syrup can last quite a long time about six months as long as it is stored in the refrigerator.

how to make homemade blackberry pancake syrup
blackberry fruit

We use ingredients blackberry fruit and sugar, add fruit blackberries and sugar in a container pot, heat the stove do not stir for five minutes or fruit looks damaged. Keep warm blackberry fruit and sugar, make sure sugar until melted and boil. further filter the fruit blackberry using fine mesh, it will be long and runs very quietly.

Strain into a container bowl slowly and carefully so as not crushed blackberry fruit and syrup will not be perfect. Put the pieces in a colander blackberry wait until about an hour, make sure all the juices will run out. After finishing input blackberry syrup in a bottle with a tight lid and store in the refrigerator or freezer. to reduce the syrup, strain and remove blackberry then heat until thick. Should dispose of any residual pul blackberry or can be used for ice cream, hot cereal or as a topping for yogurt.

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